Wednesday, January 03, 2007

It's a New Year

and already the bickering has started again on City Council. Why am I not surprised?
Last night's Council meeting was relatively short compared to the past soap opera sagas that have taken place. I wonder aloud why that is? Could it be that Mr. Schiavone is back as Mayor and where were Mr. Rapp and Mr. Nagy now that Mr. Shiavone is mayor? Not that I missed their insane rants---I didn't. About the only thing new in this soap opera was the addition of one new face baiting Mrs. Williams. But even that isn't new. This stupidity is getting so old it isn't even worth going on with another blog of opinions. Swimming pools....income tax increase discussions....seating a new councilman to replace former Mayor Wells....lies....deception...typical topic....

Video Project update....
We are heading into the production stage of the project. The majority of paintings are completed and we've began shooting on one of the paintings. We have some surprises in store with this. I'm not going to spoil some of the things we are doing, you'll just have to watch it when it's released. We're going to be planning a release party the night before we release it on and our sites. Stay tuned for more information.

Art Studios
Construction continues on the studios. I'll be posting some pictures of how far along we are soon. There are two studios still available. A "Grand Opening" is going to be planned shortly--as soon as I can figure out when we'll be ready for public viewing. Being out of town over the holidays has cut into some time for planning, but we'll let you know when the opening happens.

Artistic Harmonies
The next Artistic Harmonies First Friday event is Feb 2nd from 6:30 to 8:30. It's quite possible that Friday the 2nd will be the Grand Opening as well. We'll open the studios all day and have the First Friday event as part of that. In the meantime, plan on stopping by to see the place on Feb 2nd at the First Friday event.

Off to the studios--I have a number of paintings in mind. Happy New Year everyone!!