Thursday, July 19, 2007

Checkin' in with some Good News

Hello everyone--
It's been a busy time! Most of which has kept me out of my studio, but that's life sometimes.
Looking forward to painting today.

I was honored to be invited to join the Middletown Arts Center (MAC) Board of Governors this past week. I enthusiaticly accepted this position and was "sworn" in on Tuesday of this week. We had a quarterly Board meeting immediately following the meeting. We have lots of work to do. The Middletown Art Center is a wonderful facility offering a great variety of arts education and enjoyment to the community. It drawns a large number of students from neighboring communities, with the minority from the Middletown community. The teacher to student ratio is low, which I think helps with it's appeal.

My interests have lead me to join the Marketing and Development sub-committee of the Board of Governors. We are writing the Center's Mission, Vision and Purpose statements. We'll later tackle the hard chore of determining how to get the message out. It's a very exciting time and I've enjoyed meeting everyone on the Board.

Now a painting update....
I've finished a couple of paintings and those will be posted as soon as I have some professional photos made of them (of course they have to dry first!). I'm starting a couple new ones today--these will be street scenes from the locate "Affair on the Square" that happens every Friday. This is a farmer's market and free music concert that is given at the square in downtown Middletown. Some nice weather has helped to make this a well attended event. The music has been great--provided by friend Rob Hoffman, Chuck Evans, Johnny B and the Gravediggers to name a few.

I'm also very happy to report that a few more of the paintings on the artwork page have found new homes. It is always a joy when one of my works finds an owner who enjoys it as much as I enjoyed painting it. Thank you to those who have purchased. Enjoy!

Work continues on the a few other projects as well. Personal affairs have kept me from putting more time into these projects, but I'm hoping that is calming down now so that I can refocus.

Thanks for your continued support. Hope to see you in the fall at the scheduled "gigs" as I call them. Looking forward to talking with you and seeing you there!

Sunday, July 08, 2007


Welcome to my new website. We did some re-designing as you can see. We hope that you'll find the site more user friendly and a tad bit more organized with less clicks to get to want you wanted quicker.

You also notice the addition of a Calendar page, so now you'll know what art shows are coming up. You can also schedule an art show or private showing in your own home. What a great way to do something a bit different at your next party!!! If you are interested, drop me a line! I'll look forward to hearing and working with you to help your next event be something folks will remember and talk about!

Lots of things in the works right now. I'll be starting a cd cover art project this coming week. I'm also getting started on a commerical that will air in the fall. There will be some prizes given away at the website that a special promotion code (from the commerical) will be needed for--so be sure to stop back for the exciting details!!

There are also some shows already scheduled for the fall and more to be scheduled. I'm in the studio readying unreleased paintings for the upcoming shows. Also, keep an eye out at the "Affair on the Square" Friday Farmer's Market as I plan on bringing my easel and painting plein air at a few of these events.

If you are a musician and would like to talk to me about doing some cover art for your next release, drop me a line at and we'll talk.

That's all for now---Oh, Thanks for stopping by and please stop by the guestbook and let's us know what you think of the new site!