Friday, January 15, 2010

Trip to Las Vegas Top Ten Funniest Things...(in Letterman style)

I just returned from Las Vegas and thought I'd post (in the David Letterman style) the top ten funniest things I heard, saw or said myself while I was there. Hope it provides a laugh or two. we go...

Number 10: I'm wondering if everyone is deaf in Las Vegas.

Number 9: I'm wondering why I kept getting handed the "Girls! Girls! Girls!" cards? Where were the "Guys! Guys! Guys!" people?

Number 8: Heard at every casino by every loser...(including me) "Guess I should have stopped while I was ahead." This was followed by "Hindsight is 20/20."

Number 7: "Did you win?" asked one husband. "Do you see my a@@?" replied the wife.."I lost it."

Number 6: "It's only one mile down the shouldn't be more than $6.60." We said as we got into the taxi. This was based on the rates on the door of the cab. $15.00 later we were at the hotel. The tune "Round About" comes to mind.

Number 5: Guess drivers don't understand the concept of right on red after stop. This was quickly learned after slaming the hood of the car and shouting "I'm walking here!"

Number 4: When I was being solicited by a guy to see the Holly Madison "Peepshow", I replied with.."Honey...mine are real."

Number 3: While standing waiting for the elevator at the hotel, one woman asked her male companion, "Does this go up and down?" (ok-I did see Bette Midler and she rubbed off on me..)

Number 2: I so wanted my picture taken under the "Rent Me" sign, but Tom was laughing too hard."

Number 1: While standing 300 feet about the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, a woman asked this..."Are there really fish in that river?"
