Thursday, October 12, 2006

All Work

After sending off the new updates to the website this week and getting some painting done on the third of the 10 paintings needed for the video, today was a day of catching up on the Arts scene in Ohio. Just a little reserach for future planning.

The work on the third painting is a bit frustrating right now, but it will the all important drawing stage. If the drawing isn't right it will consistently pull the eye to the wrong things in the paintings---and yes I'm a perfectionist. I want the viewers eye to be drawn into the painting the I want them to be, not because I have a drawing flaw in the painting. So, it will be corrected and I'll get it right yet!!!

The feature story that was done on my work is posted at
There will also be another story coming out in the Middletown Journal soon as well.

The wonderful world of a massage awaits me this afternoon and I'm looking forward to it. After that I go to the arts center and work on the painting that is being displayed on my website in the Works in Progress page. It should be a beautiful painting of Monet's Giverny Gardens. This is being painted from a beautiful photograph that was taken of the lake, the Japanese Bridge and a pathway to the bridge appearing in the lower right hand corner.

Other than that, just painting, painting and more painting...Who knew life could be so much fun!
Peace to all!

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