Sunday, November 12, 2006


Hello everyone,
It's been an interesting week!! From the downer of watching the voting results for our local tax levy (which was really needed--but a bit excessive in the amount) to meeting my first cousin and first cousin once removed (yeah--come on you can figure it out---and hopefully I have it right!! Don't you just love trying to figure out how you are related to your family?), it's been a roller coaster of a week!!!

First my thoughts on the tax levy failure and then the following debacle of a council meeting that happened the next day. I sat through a number of presentations by our city manager Bill Becker during the weeks running up to the campaign. I thought that Bill and Ann Mort--as well as the rest of the 20/20 committee did a fine job presenting their side. However--as demonstrated by the usual suspects (lead by an even more obivious usual suspect)--there are those in our fair city who feel they need to hold us hostage to actions that occured in the past.
Instead of focusing on what our fair city could become and use the process of voting to remove those from council that they do not like--they have decided to hijack city council meetings while grandstanding to those who watch this soap opera on TV Middletown. Deeming they have a mandate, they spouted out a 7 step agenda (anybody see any resemblence to a rehabilation organization here? or even the Borg--resistance is futile--you will be assimulated!) that they wanted followed and implemented or a petition recalling all 7 council members would be circulated. I only have two questions...

1. Who elected you in charge?
2. Why do you feel it's necessary to drag everyone down to your low level in this city?

While these "can't see the forest through the trees" citizens distract council with their outrageous and off the wall demands, the rest of us continue to work to make this place a good community to live in (which then they point to saying we have a great city here---like they had something to do with it--hmmmph!!!!). People in the Art Central Foundation, Middletown Symphony, the Chamber of Commerce, individuals who just moved here, myself, New building owners in the Downtown, the Economic Director/most of city government, people in the 2nd ward--the list is really endless--work hard to improve things on limited budgets, fundraising event and other activities, there always seems to be these out of touch rebel rousers that have to remind us that they don't like it here. Well fine--you move!!
The sad part of this, is the rumor of who is behind these instigators--feeding them information--even orchestrating their moves. Would you believe that the rumor is that a few of our own council members are behind this?!! Again--all because of greed, having their name attached to some kind of accomplishment (the "look what I DID for the city") and wanting the limelight shown on them all the time. These few council members--if the rumor is true--should be reminded of two things--1. revenge is a dish better served cold and 2. absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Instead of everyone asking themselves what they can do to make this a better situation, these fine people decide to focus on the past, not work with those who they need to work with--but isolate themselves in a demoralizing agenda that quite frankly most Middletownians are tired of hearing about. June 6th is over---get over it--run for office yourself if you don't like it--but quite threatening us and our council and let them get on with the business of making the cuts that you decide on Nov 7th they had to make. And by the way---don't cry or yell when the city government can't take your phone call, your house burns to the ground because we have two less firehouse and not enough fireman, not enough police to protect our citizens, the streets aren't plowed when it snows---shall I go on?

Nuff said on that---

So what's the that good that happened this week? As I mentioned I met my first cousin and her son and his daughter on Saturday. Jan, Steve, Elizabeth and I probably hadn't seen each other in a number of years--at least 10 I'm thinking. Steve had no idea I was an artist and working on the art studios and Artistic Harmonies as well as Linda Fisler Fine Art--and I had no idea that he was a photographer. We talked about what I was doing and we toured the building that will be our Art studios--our Art colony starting in Middletown. The studios are for career minded artists that will be open to the public to visit while we are working and to further educate the public on our work.

As I explained the vision, walked everyone through the building, I could see Steve's excitement grow as he could see the vision and opportunity. Steve doesn't live in Middletown, he lives in Hamilton. I wasn't raised here...the building owner doesn't live here, wasn't raised here. Jeff, another artist with great enthusiasm for what we can accomplish is from Chicago. As I talked to David Matthews at the Symphony that night, he could see the vision and opportunity here--even siting the owner of Gillies in Dayton started out this way. So the third question--how come everyone outside of Middletown can see this vision and is willing to sign on to make it happen but not a certain aspect/element of those who grew up here in Middletown? I don't have the answer to that....but find it to be a really interesting question.

In any case, here we are--expanding to Art Studios--beginning what I hope will be the colonization of the downtown by artists with vision and dreams, futhering supporting and strengthing those who have moved here and those from here who also saw and shared in the dream to date.

Hope to see you on November 18th for 1 Floor Up's Holiday Bazaar, Artistic Harmonies artist meet and greet/demos, Got Art, and the dedication of Governor's Square. How's that for a bunch of things to do on a Saturday in downtown Middletown? I'd like to thank everyone whose negativety spurs us on!! (And yes, that last comment was sarcastic... ;-)

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