Friday, August 24, 2007

A Record Week!!

This week has been a record week at Linda Fisler Fine Art! We broke two former records and it doesn't even include the numbers for Friday and Saturday yet! We've had over 276 hits to the website starting on Sunday through Thursday and we are still counting!! When "Escape" was launched we had a record 233 visits to the website. Previously our record day was 54 hits. On Thursday alone, we had a record 80 visits to the site!! Thanks to everyone who stops by!!!

We continue to work on the commerical. Yesterday we polished up the script and we'll be shooting it in the coming days. It should hit the airwaves in September, so keep your eyes open!! We'll also be posting it out at Youtube and also at the website. It will be showing outside the Cincinnati area in a few months as we check the marketing plan and results in our test area.
No place is safe!! ;-)

There are a number of things going on--some in the early stages and not quite ready to discuss yet. The mind is always thinking and it seems, based on the record week and painting inquiries/sales, something must be working right!! Check back here from time to time to see what I'll be up too in the coming months.

Also, don't forget that I'll be at the Essex Studios showing on the First Friday and Saturday in October, November and December. We are also having a show on Sept 14th in downtown Middletown. The calendar page will be updated shortly to show this.

Thanks to everyone for their continued support. Looking forward to seeing you at the shows this fall!

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